Phone +49 2236 9291-0
Urfelder Str. 65 D-50389 Wesseling


Produced all over the world for us, distributed all over Europe for you!

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… and always reliable!

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Fruchthansa GmbH – We procure. We pick. We deliver.


We procure your fruits and vegetables. From the farmer next door as well as from Europe or overseas. In the desired quality, picking and packaging. Global or local. Always guaranteeing freshness, upon request with an organic seal. First hand, fresh from the producer. We deliver to your central warehouse or directly to your branches. Fast, efficient and on-time. We can fulfill almost every fruit and vegetable request at any time. We are not only experts in fresh produce logistics, but find solutions and make things possible - for more than 50 years. We offer procurement, logistics and distribution in combination with the best service. If you just need a logistics partner for your own fresh products, we are there for you.

Our services
Your advantages


We procure any fruit and vegetable for you, directly from the producer. Locally, within Europe or Overseas.

Fruit Processing

We ensure the best quality of your fruits and vegetables. We pick, pack, store and ripen according to your wishes.


We deliver your fruit and vegetables to your branches or your central warehouse - on the point - on the desired date, in the desired batches.


We know everything around fruits and vegetables. We know the market and are specialists in fresh produce logistics. We can make almost anything possible.
Our metrics
Varieties traded in 2018
Years of experience
Analyses in 2018
Apples traded in units 2018
A team to fall in love with.
Apply now.
A team to fall in love with.

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